So, today I had my discussion with my studio about the direction of my project. I didn't think I presented my scope quite well as I didn't do a proper introduction as I should have been doing. However, Stuart Bailey did managed to understand what I wanted to do and start suggesting me some good examples.
I need to be focusing on delivering my pecha kucha and it should be done in a way that reflective of the design process that we used. To make a better introduction, I need to show what kinds of prototyping methods are there for us to use - Video prototype, Paper Prototype, Role play, form-making, functional prototype , etc... then mention how each of these contribute to their own part in the design and stating the level of communication that each of these technique offer.
Starting from low fidelity prototyping (paper) up to the point where to want to make it real (fuctional/form prototype) is a good idea as it will show when and how each of the technique should be used. By doing this, I can then start pointing out my interest in functional prototyping and then move on to the sub category of physical computing.
Then stating the reason why I wants to do it. After that I should start identifying all my research
At this stage, I should start mentioning all the tools and technique that are out there. Make them up into comparison charts to show how each of these products located and then showing them where would it be interesting or possible for me to explore on the charts.
Closing off by showing what I want to do for research and what could be my project outcome.