One of the problem that I found was the implementing storyboard made it so much more complex as you won't be dealing with a story that involve time, you will be dealing with 'freedom of story'. I am talking about the storyboard that contained more than one concept, sense/output things different things at different time and also long-winded storyboard.
I tried to simulate how the whole thing could link together. So it would give the user a clear overview of how the whole thing works together
Its funny how all the lines just flying around and stuff
So the problem with that is .... IT IS MESSY! and it is very hard to see clearly how the whole things works. So I thought about would could actually be done to help this
One of the way to solve this is to put the emphasis on the concept and make the concept to become the 'core' of the software.
I think the software should be focusing on the interaction of the designer's concepts and making the interactions comes to life through the tools that I am going to build. In addition, the software should also serves as a documentation tool that allows designer to put in a storyboard to give it a more context to their object.
Basically, it should 1. Break down your idea 2. Allow you to prototype your interaction of each concept using my tools. 3. Allow you to document your idea systematically.
The 'concept' will be the core object of this program. A user need to create a concept first before assigning any interaction or Rule of interactions otherwise it will prompt the user to create a 'concept' first. This goes the same way with storyboard. The user can start with storyboard to give the guideline but in order to do progress forward (i.e. create interaction), they will need to create a concept.
The program will contain 3 key sections which are Concepts, Interactions and Storyboards.
Let's say the users created a new project. They will be faced with these key structures
Concepts - The concept is the core of the software. User can assign interaction to the concept as well as tag it in the storyboard. There can be more than one concepts in one project (This spec came from some of the potential user like Stephen where he wanted to make bunch of different concepts in one project.)
Interactions - This is about defining the rule of how each of the concept. However, user will need to create a concept before assigning any interaction. This is to prevent interaction that just 'floating' around - this part will be linked with the wireless sensors and outputs that I am building.
The Storyboard will be more of a guideline, It will also allows the user to tag where the each of the concept is use in any particular frames. This should give more context for the user to actually understand how their thing is going to actually work together. It is not compulsory for the user to use the storyboard in their project but it is always available for them to use
So here is some thing I thought of (right now)

Here are the picture of all the sketches