Sam ask me to look at his idea of a navigation clock that always point to where your home is.
“It creates this, kind of, branching thoughts which, especially when you are trying to analyse the function of the object. I thinks that helps”
“it allows you to attribute what is happening with the user as well as what is happening to the object at each experience and interaction. That is where its comes in. Rather than looking at the overall interaction, you analyse each specific interaction the user have with the object.”
“May be that’s what coding is more like, I don’t have a lot of experience. May be that in coding you got to analyse each interaction really closely so you understand all the possible outcomes”
“I think it given me an understanding, not only how the object works with interaction, but how it would fit into a larger scheme. Before, I haven’t even consider how to get this object to set location, even if I might not end up coding it, its help me figure out how its feed into the system, like a system blueprint where I can analyse each interaction the object is having with itself as suppose to the user and how that’s feed into the rest of it”
“It makes you not just say “oh yeah the light lights up when this happens”. It says if the button is pushed then what are the circumstances, what does that makes it do and how does it comes out as an output. It has the input, choices, output”
“In GSA, there are a lot of focus with the user,testing and getting their feedback. This moves away from it but probably in a good way where you are taking elements that are important to the user but closely analyse the interaction or the product from the product point of view as oppose to the user point of view”
“It definitely provokes different kinds of thought about an object. Before, I was considering the journey and how the user uses the objects. But this, even if you are not using it for coding, it makes you more closely analyse the function of the object and how they feed into one another.”
Early explanation of ideas