Slaa Hwang - Concepts for Cats!

Ok, so Slaa (PD4) showed me some of her concept and we ran through it together. ​

At first it was a bit confusing. I didn’t get the concept of what is the input and output. After I did the first one with you it makes much more sense and now my concepts make much more sense
— Slaa Hwang
I never really had a method and it always go off in a tangent. I didn’t really have a chance to think about it logically, step by step
— Slaa Hwang
After this I know what I should make and what I need to research to make it happens
— Slaa Hwang
It is more structure where as in my notebook it is like ... “Oh what if this happens?” and there is no conclusion to it. I wouldn’t be going anywhere. Your method got me to think about my actual concept a bit more rather than what could it be ... these, sort of vague thought.
— Slaa Hwang
I have been doing a bit of storyboarding in my notes but that never makes the concept anymore precise. It never pins anything down. I used to focus more on the emotional things rather than the actual concept. The things around the concept on storyboard rather than what this is
— Slaa Hwang