Contact me
Hi, My name is Varut Rintanalert
You can leave me a message here or email me directly at
What people say about me
“Working with Varut was a great experience: having known him for only a short time we were able to (very) quickly and effectively build a really compelling visualisation which was a perfect fit with the scale and nature of the data involved. Many people throughout the event made a point to comment on the beauty of the solution Varut came up with, along with the beauty of the design its self. Although we hadn’t known each other for long, Varut left a very good impression - as one of those rare designers who is able to bring new and fresh concepts to the table.
- John Hamelink, Managing Director at FarmGeek Ltd, Comment on DataJam event
“Working with Varut was an excellent experience. He’s got an uncanny ability to peel back the layers of technology and understand how important user interaction is, and I was amazed at how he was able to reconcile UX with the stuff we pumped out!”
- Matthew MacLeod, Technical Director at tictoc digital agency, Comment on DataJam event